In the face of death threats, passive-aggressive demands, childish tantrums and spineless "appeasement" mentality, a series of crudely drawn and poorly written Muhammad cartoons emerges, in the festive spirit of "Every Day Is an Everyone Draw Muhammad Day".
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Islam teaches nothing but respect towards women. As long as they're "modest" and obedient...
Mo was always a practical one. A man has his needs, a wife can have headaches or become boring over the time, but a chattel can't say no and you can have as many slave girls as you can get your mitts on! Lo Allah is wise and powerful!
You can't beat Mo's offer. He's the real deal.
Muhammad is the awesomest of the awesome. You'd better heed his advice.
As most of you probably know, 20th May was declared "Everybody Draws Muhammad Day". However, one day is just ... one day. Therefore I decided to draw Muhammad regularly, preferably every day. To start the whole thing off, here's my first humble contribution...